The following text is taken from the original source document. In the event of a conflict, the source document is considered canonical.
Reserved Spaces
The MRIF has two parking spaces reserved on a 24-hour basis. These spaces are located in the parking lot off Stadium Drive just to the west of the College of Medicine Research Building. The spots are indicated by the red box in the image below.

Figure 1 MRIF Permanently reserved parking spots indicated in RED.
These spots are for the exclusive use of research subjects only. They must not be used by researchers. Use of the parking spots is limited to one hour before and one hour after a scheduled study. A permit is required at all times to use these spaces. These are available from the MRI technologist at the MRIF. Researchers should be at MRIF before their subject arrives to ensure that they get their parking permit. Return of the parking permit is required. A driving license may be required as security to ensure return of permits.
Bookings and cancellations
Parking spots may be reserved on first come first served basis in the FSU MRIF project and booking management system. Reservations for parking spots should be cancelled when cancelling any time reserved on the scanner/TMS system/mock scanner.