Click on the "Register new user" button. To reveal the new user registration page.
Enter all of the following information in the appropriate fields:
Your email address which will serve as your user ID. (Email address must be an address. Other email addresses such as and are not acceptable.)
Password again
Given name
Other names (optional)
Family name
Office phone
Cell phone
FSU Card Number (Used to permit and revoke swipe card access to the MRIF.)
If you will only need to see the calendar and not need to make bookings, please set "Do you need to make bookings?" to false. Alternatively, if you will be making bookings for your lab please set this to true.
If you have attended safety training and know the date on which you attended safety training set the "Have you attended safety training?" to true and enter the date you attended safety training in the following field. If you have not attended safety training or do not know the date you attended safety training, set this to false.
If you have filled in a metal screening questionnaire and know the date on which you filled in the questionnaire, set the "Have you been screened for metal?" to true and enter the date you filled in your metal screening questionnaire in the following field. If you have not filled in a metal screen questionnaire or do not know the date you filled in your questionnaire, set this to false.
Select a user type consistent with your role according to the table below:
User type
MRIF staff
Research Assistant
Staff research assistant. Individuals are who associated with one or more projects and are involved with creating bookings on MRIF resources.
Enter your username (same as your email address) and password in the appropriate field and press return or click on the Login button.
How do I create a new project?
Follow the instructions for How to login
In the menu bar at the top of the page, click on "Projects". (A in the figure) This will reveal a drop-down menu.
From the drop-down menu, click on "Create Project".
The Project creation page has several tabs in the yellow column on the left of the page. Only those tabs in the rex box should be edited.
Please ensure that you click the Save button regularly to save any information about your project that you have entered. Should you need to, this will permit you to come back later and continue to add/edit details regarding your project. Note that clicking save DOES NOT submit a project.
Enter the required information, much of which is self-explanatory.
In the "General" tab
Project name: A name for your project. Note do not include information in the title that you do not wish to be visible to other CALPENDO users. Do not enter anything in this field that you want to keep private or do not what other users to see.
Do not enter a project code. This will be assigned by MRIF staff and will typically be of the form <PI_surname>_ShortCode
Project type
Internal is for a project where the PI/PD is FSU faculty
External is for a project where the PI/PD is external to FSU
If you are a PI and are entering a project on your own behalf you can skip to the next point. If you are entering a project on behalf of another please read this point thoroughly. In the PI field, check to see if the PI who will own this project is registered in the booking system. If the PI who will own the project is not in the list, you must get that PI to register with the booking system before you can submit a project with them as set them as the owner. If you are entering project information on behalf of a PI, note well that if you change the owner of a project to another person and save it you will loose access to the project immediately after you save it. Only the owner will be able to edit the project thereafter. To avoid loosing access to a project you are entering on another's behalf, do not change the owner of a project until you are ready to submit your completed project.
Very short description of your project. Do not enter anything in this field that you do not what other users to see or you want to keep private.
Proposed start and end dates
Leave Status set to "Requested"
Leave Submit Project set to "No" until you have entered all the information in the other tabs and are ready to submit your project for approval by the Scientific Director.
In the "Project Details" tab please provide an abstract, proposed analysis strategy, description of participants, and the number of participants you propose to scan. While the amount of text you can enter here is essentially unlimited, MRIF staff only need enough detail to satisfy ourselves that you know what you are doing as PI. The following are some guidelines in terms of word count for the Project Details fields. The "Total Number of Participants to be scanned" field should contain the number of subjects (N) you propose to scan across any/all groups in your proposed study.
Suggested word limit and/or field contents
500 words max
Proposed Analysis Strategy
A brief overview, 500 words max
Description of Participants (e.g., number; age; gender; diagnosis, if applicable)
100 words max. E.g., 50 Unmedicated adolescents with 50 major depressive disorder and healthy controls will be included in this study
Total Number of Participants to be scanned
The "Billing" tab.
Billing contact last name, first name, mail code, email, phone all refer to your business manager, i.e., the person who set you the PO for your project. DO NOT ENTER THE PI'S CONTACT DETAILS HERE. THESE MUST BE YOUR BUSNIESS MANAGER'S DETAILS.
The Purchase Order (PO) tab.
Enter the PO number, line number on the PO to which scanning charges should be allocated, PO issue and expiration dates, and the encumbrance dollar amount in the fields labelled with Current (indicated by A in the figure above). All entries in this field are validated by MRIF staff. With the exception of the use of pilot hours, no scanning is permitted at MRIF without a current valid PO.
The fields labeled with in New (indicated by B in the figure above) are for a second PO to be used when the expiration date of your current PO roles around. This is particularly useful at the end of the financial year when all POs for current financial year are automatically cancelled in OMNI.
If extramural funds are being used to fund your scanning, MRIF staff will check your project end date. If it is before your PO expiration date, your PO expiration date will be updated to reflect your project end date.
The "IRB" tab. Please enter all information accurately. Details required are:
IRB approval number
IRB expiration Date
IRB approval Letter
IRB approved protocol.
The "Settings" Tab.
From the "All Project Members" tab it is possible to preselect users who are to be associated with your project. Click on the "Please select user to add" dropdown to reveal a list of users in the CALPENDO system. If you cannot find the user you want it means that they have not registered to use the CALPENDO system. They can request access to the project later and will only be granted access when approved by the PI of the project.
From the "Project Resource Settings", please click on "Choose resources" and add the list of MRIF provided resources you anticipate using during the course of your project.
The "Submit for Review" Tab.
Click on the dropdown next to the "Submit Project" label this and select "Yes".
Click save at the top of the table. This submits your project.
Once submitted, a project can not longer be edited by PIs. MRIF staff will review your project. You will receive an email when your project is approved. If details of your project cannot be verified you will receive emails from MRIF staff indicating the source of the problem(s). MRIF staff will set your project to be editable by the PI so that the necessary changes can be made. Once this is done it is necessary to submit your project again for further evaluation.
How do I find my projects?
If you are not already logged in follow the instructions for "How do I Login?"
In the menu bar at the top of the page, click on "Projects". This will reveal a drop-down menu.
Click "My Projects". This will result in a table of all your projects.
How do I find out how many pilot hours my projects have?
Follow the instructions to find your projects just above.
In the list of your projects, click on the project you are interested in. Don't click on the blue links! This will reveal a table at the bottom of the page with your selected project's details.
Click on the "Pilot Hours" tab. This will reveal information about your pilot hours accrual overall and over the last month.
How do I edit/modify a project?
Note that only projects that are not in the submitted state can be edited. To edit a project that is not yet submitted or that has been un-submitted by MRIF staff to permit editing by a PI, follow these instructions:
Follow the instructions for "How do I find my projects?"
When you can see the list of projects:
With your mouse hover over the project you want to edit. Its background color should change to light purple, as shown in the figure above.
Now Click on the highlighted project (Don't click the blue underlined links!). This should reveal a new table towards the bottom of the page with the details of the project you wish to edit.
Click the "Edit" button, highlighted by the red box above, just above the project details table with the yellow bar on the left.
You can now edit the details of the project in a manner similar to when you initially created the project.
Remember to regularly click the save button as you edit your project's details.
When you want to submit your edited project:
Go to the "Submit for Review" tab.
You will see "Submit Project". Click on the drop-down next do this and select "Yes".
Click Save at the top of the project details table.
How do I request access to a project?
In order for research staff to request access to projects, PIs must provide the project's "Project Code" to their researchers. Researchers can then request access to the project by following these instructions
If you are not already logged in follow the instructions for "How do I Login"
In the menu bar at the top of the page, click on "Projects". This will reveal a drop-down menu.
Click "Project Membership Request"
In the text box next to "Enter the codes for your requested projects:" enter the project code provided by your PI.
Click the "Submit request" button.
When the PI has granted your access, you will receiving an email informing of your new access permission.
How do I make a booking?
If you are not already logged in follow the instructions for "How do I Login"
Ensure that you are in Calendar view by clicking on Calendar in the menu bar at the top of the webpage. (A in the figure above.)
Ensure that the resource you want to book is selected in the Resources section of the page. (B in the figure above.)
Currently, there are some predefined resources for the MRI scanner and two parking spaces. (B in the figure.) For example, to book the MRI scanner select "MRI Scanner", to book one of the parking spaces, select "Parking Spaces".
Ensure that the day on which you want to make your booking is selected in the monthly calendar shown in the upper left of the "Calendar" view webpage (C in the figure.) On the right you can choose whether you want to see a "Day", "Week", or "Month" view. (D in the figure.) Day and Week make it particularly easy to see a resource's reserved and free slots.
Click on the desired start time for your reservation. You can also click and drag to select the entire block of time you wish to reserve. This will reveal the "New Booking" dialog.
Top of the New Booking dialog box.
Bottom of the New Booking dialog box.
Ensure that the correct project is selected at the top of the "New Booking" dialog. (A in the figures immediately above.)
Ensure that the correct project is selected. (B in the figures immediately above.)
Ensure that the start and end dates and times are set appropriately. (C in the figures immediately above.)
Select you want to receive email reminders. This can be the PI, person making the booking, or all project members. The notice period determines how far before your booking the reminder email is sent. (D in the figures immediately above.)
If you want you can change the booking owner. This is useful if, for example, you want to make a booking on behalf of someone else. In order to do this, however, you still need to be associated with the project to which the booking will be allocated. (E in the immediately above.)
If you want to use pilot hours to cover the cost of your booking, set the "Use Pilot Hours" drop-down to true. (G in the figure immediately above.)
Scroll down to the bottom and select the coil you will use during your booking.
If you will be using the EEG and or Eye movement monitoring system please set these fields to "Required" as appropriate.(H in the figures immediately above.)
When you're happy all of the details are correct, scroll down and click the "Create Booking" button at the bottom of the dialog box. (I in the figure immediately above.)
Wait for the email confirming your booking.
How do I modify a booking?
Bookings can only be edited by users under two circumstances:
The booking is not yet approved.
Approved bookings can only be edited within 24-hours of their creation.
Overall, this process is very similar to that for creating a booking.
Find the booking you wish to modify. (See steps 1-5 in "How do I make a booking?")
Click on the booking you with to modify. This will reveal the "Edit Booking" dialog.
As with the create new booking process you can edit any of the fields except those indicated in red in the image below
When you have made the changes to the booking, click the "Update booking" at the bottom of the "Edit Booking" dialog box. If you want to cancel your changes, click the "Cancel Changes" button instead.
How do I cancel a booking?
Choosing a reservation to edit.
Cancelling a booking.
This process is almost identical to that for modifying a booking.
Find the booking you wish to modify. (See steps 1-5 in "How do I make a booking?")
Click on the booking you with to modify. This will reveal a popup menu from which you should choose the "Edit " option. This will reveal the "Edit Booking" dialog.
Click the "Cancel Booking" (A in the figure above) button at the bottom of the "Edit Booking" dialog box. This will reveal the "Cancelling Booking" dialog box.
Choose an appropriate reason for cancelling (B in the figure above) and then click on the "Cancel booking" button (C in the figure above.)
How do I make a problem report?
If you are not already logged in follow the instructions for "How do I Login?"
In the menu bar at the top of the page, click on "Problem Reports". (Highlighted in red in the figure.) This will reveal the problem report page.
Before you create a new problem report, search the current problem reports to see if the issue you experienced has already been reported. By default only problem reports made on the same day as you are making your report will be displayed.
Set the date range in the "Created" region (A in the figure) to be at least a 7 days prior to today's date by adjusting the "From" date. The list of problem will update immediately when you select the From date.
If you wish, you can narrow the list of resources against which problems have been reported by selecting one or more resources in the "Resource" section (B in the figure.)
If no problem describing your experience exists, go ahead and create a new problem report by clicking on the "Create" button (C in the figure.)
Create your problem report
Select the resource with you experienced the problem (A in the figure.).
Give your problem report a title (B in the figure).
Leave status set to open.
Provide as much detail as possible in the Details section (C in the figure)
Save your problem report. Click on the Save button. (D in the figure.)
Finally, you need to link your problem report to the booking during which you experienced your problem. If you do not do this, MRIF will not be able to will not be able to adjust your billing should it be necessary.
In the calendar view, find the booking during which you experienced a problem and click on it. This will reveal the Edit booking dialog box; shown above.
Scroll down until you see the Problem Report field (A in the figure.)
Click the down arrow at the end of the problem report field.
Select the problem report you what to associate with the booking.
Click the Update Booking button. (B in the second figure.)
How do I make an out of hours booking?
Currently users of the reservation system can only make bookings that occur between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday. If you want to make a booking for an evening or weekend, please contact the MR Technologist to arrange the booking. The MR Technologist will enter the reservation into the booking system and ensure that is allocated to your desired project.